Thursday, April 29, 2010

Turn that thing off!

Both genders have one thing they really like. For girls, it's horses. For guys, it's video games. The problem is that how much they are into one or the other directly affects their attractiveness to the opposite sex. Guys don't typically like girls who are totally into horses, and girls don't like guys who are really into video games. Girls, don't get mad at me, but it's the truth. I can say these things because I'm really into video games, so that definitely takes away my attractiveness. Girls don't understand what's unattractive about horses, and guys don't understand what's unattractive about video games.

I cannot speak for the girls, but I think I understand why we as men are really into video games. There are three aspects that God put into all men, and video games help us excercise them.

First of all, we are geared to domination. When I play a video game, it's not about growing farms and annoying everyone on facebook about giving me a gift. It often involves an M4, a .44 magnum revolver, and a .50 caliber sniper rifle. I then use those tools to eliminate the other players. It's quite rewarding.

Second, we whole-heartedly respect our avatar. Playing with a character who never tires, never hungers, and who is always dependable is someone to look up to. We lose the sense of our avatar being simply digitized polygons, and they actually become a part of us. Typically, the characters are manly men whom we would like to be like.

Lastly, I think God gave men a sense of imagination. Over millennia, men used their imagination to create art, war, architecture, technology, and civilizations. We receive that as a little lad playing with a hook shaped twig that we called a machine gun. But in recent years, the imagination has been looked down on, and so the video game has become our satisfying stay. How sad that when a man has a dream his hopes are dashed by pessimists (often the people he loves most). If we can only return to the state of thinking in mid-1800's San Fransisco that failure is okay.

So ladies, if you want you're husband to put down the controller, first think about his imaginative needs. Give him ideas about creative models where he can exercise his right-brain. Don't nag him, just tell him he'd be really good at doing x or y. We like being empowered. We might even turn that thing off.


  1. ahaha i never read this one! hilarious. are you talking about me and nate? cause i know i'm the dorky horse person, and he's the dorky video game guy... but for some reason it works. =P
    partly because i like video games too ;)
    and i buy him games (and feed the addiction?)
    but for some reason he still wont ride with me...

    no really, i did love this though. it IS true ladies =D

  2. Nick, this is really good. As one who hasn't ever really been into guys playing video games, (ask Nate and Mel) this totally makes sense. I definitely agree that these things are qualities in guys that need to not be stifled, and I appreciate that you tied them in with why guys are into video games. That makes sense to me. So, thank you.
