Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just one more bite

I have always been the one to get seconds at dinner, and possibly thirds. It was a way of life for me. I simply enjoyed eating. I would eat a little of something, get full, and then continue to eat. Eat I would, without stopping. Obviously, I was not gorging myself on salads. Burgers, steaks, fries, and anything deep fried was my typical diet. Along with my guy-friends, we would hit up Burger King and we all would get the largest meal, because we were men. I would make fun of my brother for getting wraps at McDonald's because I thought that was "so gay."

Now with a few more years of life experience under my belt, I have come to some realizations. Gluttony is not a typical sermon topic, but it is always coupled in the Bible with drunkenness. And gluttony is more than a health issue, it is a pride issue.

As men, we say, "I am man. Get me red meat. I will not eat that salad." We men have a misguided mindset that says because we are the hunter-gatherers, we must fill our fleshly desires in food. I do not think women understand how humbling and humiliating it is for a man to simply choose a salad, or have low-fat meat. We feel gay. But God wants our bodies healthy, for they are the temples of the holy spirit.

I have laid out our feelings. We feel gay when we try to eat healthy foods. But that is a humbling experience that we need to do. We need to swallow our pride, along with the vegetables.


  1. Interesting post, Nick. I guess only "the big salad" (Seinfeld reference) is manly. Maybe this "manly" eating stuff is why America has so many expanding waistlines. Hmmm.

  2. This post was definitely a learning experience for me, haha! Because women seem to have the opposite problem. We feel pressure to eat small, ultra-healthy portions. That in itself isn't a bad thing, but it can lead to problems. I always thought it wasn't fair that guys didn't feel any pressure when it comes to food ... but I guess they do!

  3. Well put.

    Though this is slightly irrelevent, your post reminded me of one of my favorite proverbs:
    "A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate" Prov 15:17 haha
