Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wake Up San Francisco

This semester has demanded my getting up very early in the morning. I hated it at first, but now my body clock is set to get up at 5:45 AM... sort of. But anyway. For the past two days, I have taken advantage of breakfast time. I love drinking a cup of tea with honey after I gobble up my egg. And typical me, I sit there contemplating how I can effectively use my time that I am wasting as I passively sip the steaming drink. And like the true genius I am, I thought, "Oh. I can read my Bible."

For the past two days, I have been reading and contemplating 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. I have questions about traditional eschatology, so I thought the Thessalonian epistles would be a good place to find answers. Though I have not come to any conclusions, I have been blessed otherwise. During my quiet time, I have learned to prayer better. I have been specific in my requests, and my praise has been more truthful. But just so you know, I am not patting myself on the back for any of it either. Because I have started my day off with contemplating the scriptures and talking to God, He has taught me how to properly be with Him, praise Him, love Him. He has given me more love to share with others, and so a direct application of that in my life is that I can feel myself loving Steph more.

I would encourage anyone to find a time day of day that cannot be interrupted, and just spend it with the Lord. You will learn so much, and your life and attitude will change.

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