Thursday, January 28, 2010

United States of Zion

There are few things that annoy me more than the phrase, "We are living in the end times." There is no way to know that. But some people think they know by one piece of evidence: the moral state of America.

It is no secret that evangelical Christians in America fall on the far right side of politics, as do I. We do this because we believe that morality lies in sanctity of life, and marriage. We should fight for the state of our country. It is our civil duty. But there is a problem when we start mixing our religion with our politics. We should always bring our religion into our politics, but we have now dragged our politics into our religion.

As Americans, we believe that the USA is the greatest country in the world. I agree. Therefore, we think we are the best at everything: Equal rights, money, power, and... religion. Somehow, we have crafted the idea that the church in America is the apex of Christendom, and that it is God's masterpiece. We see ourselves as the base for all Christianity. When Christianity spreads away from America, we think that the theology is weakened the farther it gets away from us.

Where did we go wrong? This nation is not Zion. The Roman empire was "Christian," and it is dead. The Byzantines, the English, the list goes on. They have all fallen, or at least fallen to sin. Did Jesus come back? No! God did not plan history as a preparation towards His America. We could be destroyed tomorrow and it would not stop God's plan.

Does your faith rely on the never-changing spirit of God, or the amount of Socialism in the USA? If America falls, and Jesus does not come back, will you still believe?

It is time we realize that the church does not start in Los Angeles and ends in Boston. Let us join the global effort and join our brothers and sisters in the one true church of God. Pray for our persecuted brothers in China, because that is where the true action is happening. And I am not saying all this to propose we crown the church in China as the next Zion. We just need to remember that God is not partial, even if you and I are.


  1. preach it hun! Your going to make a great pastor someday, God is going to use you ways you can believe.

  2. Good points Nick. I find it extremely arrogant of the church in America to think that our way of worship is the best way. We would do well to learn a few things from our brothers and sisters around the world. Thanks for the reminder.
