Thursday, September 2, 2010

Truth is truth.

Today in my Christianity and Cultures class, my professor, Dr. Stephen J. Nichols, made an important point about Christianity and truth. He simply stated that it wouldn't matter if nobody believed in Christianity. It would still be true. Think about that for a minute. In our post-modern world where truth is non-existent and nothing can exist except for the perceived, Christianity stands alone.

An unbeliever in this now post-modern world believes that there is no truth. Or there might be truth, but it is simply impossible to find. I offer this argument in form of a dialogue.

Unbeliever: You cannot say that Christianity is truth.

Christian: Why not?

Unbeliever: There is no way to prove that anything is true, so therefore your belief is nothing more than faith, and is as credible as any other religion.

Christian: I see... do you drink water?

Unbeliever: Irrelevant much?

Christian: Just humor me. Do you drink water?

Unbeliever: Of course I do.

Christian: Why do you drink water?

Unbeliever: To stay alive.

Christian: What happens if you do not drink water?

Unbeliever: I'll die.

Christian: How do you know that?

Unbeliever: It's common knowledge. It's elementary, my dear Watson.

Christian: Have you ever died from not drinking?

Unbeliever: No...?

Christian: Have you ever known anyone who has died of thirst?

Unbeliever: I have heard of people who have died from thirst.

Christian: Did you know them personally?

Unbeliever: No.

Christian: So all you did was put your faith in article or newscast that claimed to be telling you the truth, even though you didn't know for sure?

Unbeliever: Yes... what does this have to do with the water?

Christian: What you are saying is that you put your life in the hands of knowledge of anatomy. You don't know anyone who's died from thirst, yet you put your faith in the science that tells you that you need to drink water, and you trust it with your life.

Unbeliever: Yes...?

Christian: So you believe the water theory completely by faith without personal evidence, or question. If you chose to not drink water, you will die. I agree. How do I know that I can agree? I have the faith to believe that the scientists and doctors are right. I do not know because I have never decided to give up water. But yet, I am convinced that it is truth. It is the exact same way with Christianity.

Truth is truth.

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